Interface CompanionInputFieldTextInput

A basic text input field

Available for actions/feedbacks/config

id: 'val',
type: 'textinput',
label: 'Provide name',
'default': 'Bob'
interface CompanionInputFieldTextInput {
    default?: string;
    id: string;
    isVisible?: ((options: CompanionOptionValues, data: any) => boolean);
    isVisibleData?: any;
    label: string;
    regex?: string;
    required?: boolean;
    tooltip?: string;
    type: "textinput";
    useVariables?: boolean | CompanionFieldVariablesSupport;

Hierarchy (view full)


default?: string

The default text value

id: string

The unique id of this input field within the input group

isVisible?: ((options: CompanionOptionValues, data: any) => boolean)

A function called to check whether this input should be visible, based on the current options selections within the input group

Note: This function must not depend on anything outside of its scope. If it does it will fail to compile and will be skipped.

isVisibleData?: any

JSON serializable data to provide to isVisible

label: string

The label of the field

regex?: string

A regex to use to inform the user if the current input is valid. Note: values may not conform to this, it is a visual hint only

required?: boolean

Whether a value is required Note: values may not conform to this, it is a visual hint only

tooltip?: string

A hover tooltip for this field

type: "textinput"

The type of this input field

useVariables?: boolean | CompanionFieldVariablesSupport

Whether to suggest variables to the user This can either be a boolean for minimal support, or an object defining additional values