Interface CompanionBooleanFeedbackDefinition

The definition of a boolean feedback

interface CompanionBooleanFeedbackDefinition {
    callback: ((feedback: CompanionFeedbackInfo, context: CompanionCommonCallbackContext) => boolean | Promise<boolean>);
    defaultStyle: Partial<Partial<CompanionButtonStyleProps>>;
    description?: string;
    learn?: ((action: CompanionFeedbackInfo, context: CompanionCommonCallbackContext) => undefined | CompanionOptionValues | Promise<undefined | CompanionOptionValues>);
    learnTimeout?: number;
    name: string;
    options: SomeCompanionFeedbackInputField[];
    showInvert?: boolean;
    subscribe?: ((feedback: CompanionFeedbackInfo, context: CompanionCommonCallbackContext) => void | Promise<void>);
    type: "boolean";
    unsubscribe?: ((feedback: CompanionFeedbackInfo, context: CompanionCommonCallbackContext) => void | Promise<void>);

Hierarchy (view full)


callback: ((feedback: CompanionFeedbackInfo, context: CompanionCommonCallbackContext) => boolean | Promise<boolean>)

Called to get the feedback value

defaultStyle: Partial<Partial<CompanionButtonStyleProps>>

The default style properties for this feedback

description?: string

Additional description of the feedback

learn?: ((action: CompanionFeedbackInfo, context: CompanionCommonCallbackContext) => undefined | CompanionOptionValues | Promise<undefined | CompanionOptionValues>)

The user requested to 'learn' the values for this feedback.

learnTimeout?: number

Timeout for the 'learn' function (in milliseconds) Companion sets a default value of 5s, to ensure that the learn does not get stuck never completing You can change this if this number does not work for you, but you should keep it to a sensible value

name: string

Name to show in the feedbacks list

The input fields for the feedback

showInvert?: boolean

If undefined or true, Companion will add an 'Inverted' checkbox for your feedback, and handle the logic for you. By setting this to false, you can disable this for your feedback. You should do this if it does not make sense for your feedback.

subscribe?: ((feedback: CompanionFeedbackInfo, context: CompanionCommonCallbackContext) => void | Promise<void>)

Called to report the existence of a feedback. Useful to ensure necessary data is loaded

type: "boolean"

The type of the feedback

unsubscribe?: ((feedback: CompanionFeedbackInfo, context: CompanionCommonCallbackContext) => void | Promise<void>)

Called to report an feedback has been edited/removed. Useful to cleanup subscriptions setup in subscribe